Welcome to the Philippine Travel Route Planner! Choose from 7 of the most popular destinations below, and I'll show you the best itinerary to follow (with all the information on how to get from one place to the next)!

Where do you want to go?


  • This is a beta tool! If you find any issues, please shoot me a message below.
  • Right now I am only able to include 7 locations. If you're heading to Coron, there are direct flights from Cebu City, Manila, and El Nido. There's also a ferry from El Nido to Coron. If you're going to Coron but not El Nido, please select El Nido in the tool above as a placeholder!
  • These routes are suggestions only! This is how I would personally plan my itinerary if I was the one traveling to minimize traveling time, and get the most out of the places I'll visit.
  • These routes also assume you're arriving in Manila. If you're landing in Cebu or another international airport, these may not be the most efficient routes.
  • Finally, this is a pure individual effort! I'm not a programmer, nor do I have a company of people optimizing these routes. It's all "homemade" if you will. So if you spot any errors or have any suggestions, please get in touch!

I'll be super happy to help with your concerns and suggestions.
Happy planning!


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